A b o u t

phpMyCDs allows you to archive the content of data CDs in a MySql database. The CD is automagically scanned, just put it in the drive, mount it and press scan CD in your browser, and that's it.
With phpMyCDs you can also search in the archived files: If you're searching for a AC/DC mp3 just type AC/DC in the file's name/path, check the mp3 in file type box and press search. You'll get a list of files match your search, and the most important you'll know on which CD they are !!!!.

Here's some screenshots:

D o w n l o a d

Version 0.2pre1 is a quite stable version released before final 0.2. Feel free to report bugs.

phpMyCDs version 0.2 release pre 1 (9rd april 2001)
A new logo by foreigner
A new interface: looks the same on all browsers
Search results pagination
Multi mount-points(can scan on many CDs).

phpMyCDs version 0.1.1 (3rd march 2001)
A bug in the SQL intialisation request has been corrected. People running version 0.1, should launch this SQL request to get correct search results: "UPDATE Types SET id=0 WHERE extension='';"
A bug in scrolling menus corrected(first element was always missing).
Code cleanup: all comments have been translated from french to english, and code has been correctly reordered.

phpMyCDs version 0.1 (1st february 2001)
Original release.

C o n t a c t s

phpMyCDs has been coded by FORT David,
feel free to send comments or bugs to <epopo@onetelnet.fr> , but please prepend a [phpMyCDs] before the subject of your mail.